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What is Quest 3C?

Quest 3C is an engaging and innovative example of interdisciplinary learning. Participants have a memorable experiential learning experience with lasting impact. They are immersed in a dynamic learning setting which mirrors the complexity and the harsh reality of the business environment faced by many global employees. They find themselves in positions of responsibility, where the consequences of decision-making have considerable impact on the outcome of the game. They sometimes face enormous pressure and have to react rapidly to external decisions when part or all of the information they need is missing. Educated guesses are called for. The educational environment means that this is a risk-free experience in which learners can experiment and learn from their mistakes.

Participants gain insight into how an organisation works and learn first-hand what a difference good leadership and team skills can make to the bottom line and to employee motivation. While increasing their business and technical know-how, they get a chance to develop a more rounded skill set contributing to their general capability. Success comes not simply from having and applying the right business or technical expertise: it is important to get buy-in from management and colleagues in order to be able to implement decisions. Besides coming up with good business solutions, the ability to lead and work effectively in teams is critical.


Images in header: Clipdealer

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