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Quest 3C

Quest 3C is an interdisciplinary simulation game originally devised for business engineering students. It is also suited to other business learners who currently or potentially face the challenge of working in global teams (be they real or virtual). The simulation is designed to improve team performance and develop leadership skills in an international environment. The simulation is offered as part of a blended-learning seminar which means that you work partly online and partly in the classroom. 

By creating a business proposal for a fictional company with worldwide operations, learners get a chance to apply their knowledge from other business-related courses and experience gained from internships to successfully execute tasks. Participants will be expected to communicate, negotiate and collaborate successfully across hierarchies, disciplines and cultural borders. The game seeks to provide learners with a protected (virtual) environment:

  • in which they can deal with complex situations in a risk-free way
  • which fosters international networking and collaboration
  • which accelerates learning, but leaves a lasting effect

The simulation is an interactive teaching and learning system based on the principle of: connect – collaborate – grow as a leader


Images in header: Clipdealer

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